Ayushyaman Health Care

About Us

Our Mission

Your Health is Our Priority

At Ayushyaman Health Care, we prioritize your well-being above all else. Our dedicated team and advanced technologies are here to support you at every step of your health journey. From personalized care to preventive services, we’re committed to keeping you healthy and thriving. Trust us to be your partner in health and wellness.

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See How We Work

Our Procedures

Analysis The Health Issues


Your acupuncture practitioner will tell you the general site of the planned treatment

Needle Insertion


Needles are inserted to various depths at strategic points on your body.

Needle Manipulation


Your practitioner may gently move or twirl the needles after placement

Needle Removal


The needles remain in place for 10 to 20 minutes while you lie still and relax.

What We Provide

Our Services


Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management.


Hydrotherapy refers to treatments that involve a pool or warm water. Some examples are aquatic physical therapy, warm-water baths, immersion therapy, and wet saunas. Hydrotherapy can treat many different conditions. Examples include arthritis, fibromyalgia, and low-back pain.


Moxibustion is a form of therapy that entails the burning of mugwort leaves. This is a small, spongy herb that is believed to enhance healing with acupuncture. As such, the leaves are burnt close to the skin’s surface using a stick to apply heat.‌ The practice is derived from Chinese medicine.


Reflexology is a type of therapy that uses gentle pressure on specific points along your feet (and possibly on your hands or ears as well) to help you feel better. The theory is that this eases stress, and that helps your body work better. It’s also known as zone therapy.